Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ron Paul Presidential Candidate and Baseball Home Run Hitter

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul is a man of principles and very knowledgeable about the Constitution, economics and world affairs. Although biased main stream media often belittles him by questioning his electability, Dr. Paul happens to be the only candidate who has been elected to the Congress about ten times. Most remarkably, as a physician, Dr. Paul has delivered over 4,000 babies.

There is another physical achievement of Dr. Paul that no presidential candidate can match. According to Politico, Dr. Ron Paul is the only congressman, dead or alive, to have hit a home run over the fence in the annual congressional baseball game’s 50-year history. The home run was hit during a game in the 1980s.

It will be no surprise if Ron Paul swings another home run all the way to the White House and is elected the next President.

Politico: Dems win big on the baseball field